Vision Statement
At Lark Rise Academy, we are passionate about the education, well-being and safety of children and ensuring that we achieve the very best outcomes in all aspects of the school’s provision. In 2022-2023, we will continue to strive to achieve the absolute best for the children in our care, working closely to foster positive relationships with parents and carers, to nurture the children’s appetite for learning whilst ensuring they feel safe, included and happy in the school environment.
In order to meet the needs of all of our children, we are clear that they deserve access to an inspiring and engaging curriculum with reading at the heart. We offer full coverage of the National Curriculum which is enriched further with exciting and motivational learning opportunities that take place both in the classroom and beyond. Prominent throughout our entire curriculum are opportunities for oracy development and explicit teaching of vocabulary. We recognise that children’s learning will have been affected in different ways by the pandemic; as a result, we will continue to offer a curriculum tailored to the children’s needs. We will continue to adapt and develop the curriculum using research-informed approaches that are proven to have the greatest impact so that children can understand, retain and recall their learning; underpinned by effective technology for learning.
This, coupled with positive behaviours for learning and a relentless focus on children’s social, emotional and mental health needs, is what we believe will help each and every one of our children reach their full potential in the current stage of their educational journey and beyond. We work collaboratively with parents, carers and external professionals to help children grow into confident, resilient, responsible and independent thinkers and learners.
In our ever-changing school context, we are highly committed to being responsive to the needs of every child in our care and we will continue to work tirelessly in order to offer an environment that is accepting of every individual’s similarities and differences. We will continue to promote an understanding and celebration of the diverse world we live in to ensure every child feels represented and flourishes with a sense of belonging.
At Lark Rise, we also understand the value of every member of our staff and we are committed to ensuring that they are all fully equipped with the skills, knowledge, expertise and confidence needed to achieve all that has been stated above. Furthermore, all subject leaders will continue to be supported in developing their curriculum area(s) to create clear progression pathways embedding the knowledge and skills the children need at each stage of their education. We will seek help, guidance and support from our Trust colleagues and beyond whenever it is needed, whilst working together internally to problem solve and innovate. Staff wellbeing is of high priority and we aim to balance the high expectations we have of ourselves whilst maintaining healthy working routines to ensure a work-life balance.
In 2022-2023, we will continue to be dedicated to creating a nurturing, inclusive and motivational school environment for all. This will ensure we make a positive impact on the lives of our children and families and are actively engaged with our Trust and local community. Working together, we will aim to be the best school we can possibly be!