What support is in place for improving emotional and social development of our pupils?
We believe a child’s emotional and social development is just as important as their academic development and recognise the impact a child's emotional and social needs can have on their learning.
We recognise that some children may require additional support in this area and plan for this support with the child and their parent/carer so it is appropriate to the child's needs.
This support is inclusive of but not exclusive to a named adult for children to speak to about their feelings; support during playtime; specific social, emotional support groups; the use of social stories; a quiet space in school to access when required; specified social, emotional outcomes of SEND Support Plans; a trained play therapist working in school with identified children one day a week; use of the five point scale to support children in regulating their own emotional needs; resources in the classroom to reduce anxiety, eg a quiet corner; individualised behaviour support plans which aim to reduce anxiety and de-escalate emotions.