What is our approach to teaching pupils with SEND?
Our first approach to teaching children with SEND is ensuring excellent, targeted classroom teaching, known as Quality First Teaching.
For the child, this would mean that their teacher has the highest possible expectations of them and all children in their class and that teaching is targeted towards their next steps, with a focus on building on what they already know, can do and can understand.
Teachers adapt their teaching styles based on the needs of the children they are teaching and reasonable adjustments for children with SEND are a feature of every lesson so that all children are fully involved. Where required, we use specific strategies and/or resources to meet childrens’ needs to further support their learning.
The Graduated Approach to SEND Support is then implemented to ensure children with SEND receive further specific support for their needs as required. The Graduated Response scales from reasonable adjustments to Quality First Teaching e.g. personalised resources, to time limited interventions aimed to fill a gap in learning/development to long term, personalised intervention to support a specific need. The type of support a child requires is assessed and planned for during their SEND Support Plan meeting.