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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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GSO Test

How do we involve other agencies in meeting pupils’ needs and how do we support families?

We engage with a range of education, health and care services to support children's individual needs. 

At present, these include but are not exclusive to, the following agencies:

Educational Psychology Service; Advisory Service for Visual and Hearing Needs; Early Years SEND Support Team; Speech and Language Therapy; Paediatricians at the Edwin Lobo Centre; Play Therapist; Family Support Team; School Nurse; Occupational Therapy; Physiotherapy; The Jigsaw Centre; Brainbow; Specialist Teacher for Children with Down Syndrome; ASD Advisory Service; Medical Needs Team and CHUMS. 

The SENDCo can make referrals to external agencies, with parental consent, to receive additional support for a child.  The advice we receive is implemented in school by the child’s class teacher.  The class teacher or SENDCo may accompany a parent/carer and child when attending an appointment with another professional to support families if requested.